Folder Organizer
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Change app icon
Tap on the icon on the right to show context menu
If you want to change app icon choose “Icon” from context menu
* Default icons: choose from standard Folder Organizer icons
* Android Image Gallery: choose from a photo of image gallery
* AndExplorer: navigate your sd card using AndExplorer (it’s available for free in Android Market)
* Icon packs: use an icon from an installed icon pack. You can find icon packs in Android Market, just search “icon pack” “>
Choose how you want to pick an icon: * Default icons: choose from standard Folde…
Pick an image to change app icon inside Folder Organizer, icon in Android main menu w…
If you want to change app name choose “Rename” from context menu
Write new name and click ok. New app name is used inside Folder Organizer, name in An…
If you want to create a shortcut in Android home long touch on an empty zone on home …
Select Folder Organizer item
Select the type of item you want to link (in this example apps)
Choose an app, if you are using full version you can rename and change icon here usin…
An home shortcut will be created with custom name and icon
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